IDC: China's financial industry IT spending will reach 335.936 billion yuan in 2025

Today, IDC released a report saying that with the continuous advancement of digital transformation in all walks of life and the deepening of informatization construction, the scale and complexity of IT systems are increasing day by day.

According to IDC's forecast, the scale of IT spending in China's financial industry (including software, hardware, IT services, etc.) will reach 218.602 billion yuan in 2021, and will reach 335.936 billion yuan by 2025.

The report pointed out that with the increasing abundance of IT resources, the amount of monitoring data has also shown an exponential growth trend, resulting in higher and higher management complexity and increased demand for intelligent operation and maintenance. At the same time, the continuous operation of the business is increasingly dependent on the security, availability, and continuity of IT systems.

IDC analysts said that intelligent operation and maintenance are accelerating toward the stage of large-scale application implementation-oriented by operation results. In the future, with the in-depth application of intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent operation and maintenance scenarios will gradually develop from a single scenario to an ecological one.

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