On the occasion of the launch of Intel's 13th-generation Core Duo, ADATA announced that its memory is compatible with the latest Intel Z790 platform to ensure the best stability and performance. At the same time, XPG also announced the launch of the new XPG LANCER DDR5-7200 memory family.
ADATA XPG LANCER 7200 DDR5 memory uses Hynix A-die chips, which can be easily overclocked. The LANCER 7200 series includes models with or without RGB lighting and offers two radiator color options, including Midnight Black and Snow White, to suit different aesthetic preferences.
ADATA said that the XPG LANCER DDR5-7200 memory is expected to be available in November, and the price has not yet been announced.
Additionally, XPG is introducing the LANCER RGB 7200 DDR5 MERA Limited Edition, featuring ARGB LEDs featuring the unique heatsink design of XPG brand ambassador Mera.