The Lava Blaze 5G will be the cheapest 5G smartphone in India, although the company has yet to reveal the actual price. The device is powered by the Dimensity 700 chip. The Blaze 5G is equipped with a 6.5-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 720p, a refresh rate of 90Hz, and fingerprint recognition on the side. Supports 4GB+128GB storage, as well as a microSD card slot.
The Blaze 5G phone has a 50-megapixel main camera on the back and an 8-megapixel selfie camera on the front. The battery capacity is 5000mAh, and the Android 12 system is pre-installed.
Other highlights of the Blaze 5G include a USB-C port, Bluetooth 5.1, two SIM cards, and dual VoLTE.
The Lava Blaze 5G phone will be launched during the Diwali festival which is celebrated on October 24th. According to the company, it will be available in blue and green colors and will cost around 10,000 Indian rupees (about 872 yuan).