Qualcomm has previously announced that the Snapdragon Summit will be held in November this year, and it is expected to release the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 flagship chip, while MediaTek's Dimensity 9 iteration chip is also coming soon.
Previously reported that the Dimensity 9 series iterative platform is called "DX2" in the industry, and today Weibo blogger @Digital Chat Station revealed that the name of the chip is Dimensity 9200, which is expected to be released in November.
Weibo blogger @i Ice Universe said that according to the convention, the Dimensity 9200 chip is expected to use the X3 large-core CPU and the latest ARM G715 GPU, which will be a big improvement. In terms of performance, at present, the engineering machine equipped with the Dimensity DX2 chip is slightly better than the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2.