Optical lens supplier Largan's September revenue hit a 22-month high

Optical lens leader Largan benefited from the blessing of Apple's iPhone 14 series in September, and its revenue surged to NT$5.103 billion, an annual increase of 22.31%, a monthly increase of 14%, back to the NT$5 billion mark, and a 22-month high. Looking forward to the future, Largan said that the momentum of pulling goods in October seems to be comparable to that in September.

Following Hon Hai's announcement that its September revenue hit a record high of NT$822.3 billion, Largan's latest revenue also delivered impressive results. After nearly 2 years, its monthly revenue returned to NT$82.3 billion. 5 billion yuan mark.

Largan said that at present, it is estimated that the customer's purchasing momentum in October will be similar to that in September, and will continue to remain at the peak level. As for the follow-up, it will be further explained when the third-quarter earnings report is released on October 13.

Largan's single-quarter revenue in the third quarter was 13.477 billion yuan, an increase of 39% over the second quarter of this year and a 13% increase over the same period last year; the cumulative revenue for the first nine months was NT$33.285 billion, a decline of 2% over the same period last year. The annual decrease has been seen to converge month by month, and the legal person expects that there will be a chance to turn positive growth in October.

Observing the proportion of Largan's product shipments in September, products with more than 20 million pixels accounted for 10% to 20%, products with 10 million pixels accounted for 50% to 60%, and products with more than 8 million pixels accounted for 0% to 10%, other products account for 30% to 40%.

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