E Ink Yuantai Technology Commits to 100% Renewable Energy Use by 2030

According to E Ink's announcement, E Ink is committed to achieving 100% renewable energy use (RE 100) in 2030 and net zero carbon emissions (Net Zero) in 2040. In March this year, E Ink officially joined RE100, a global renewable energy initiative jointly organized by Climate Group and CDP Global Environmental Information Research Center, and firmly committed to achieving the goal of RE100 by 2030.

E Ink has recently officially joined the Climate Action Initiative – EP100 (Energy Productivity) initiated by The Climate Group. E Ink promises to introduce the ISO 5001 energy management system in global manufacturing plants by 2030, and the energy productivity in 2040 will be doubled compared with the base year of 2018.

EP100 is an initiative to call on global enterprises to actively respond in three ways: doubling energy productivity implementing energy management systems and net zero carbon buildings. At present, a total of 125 enterprises around the world have jointly committed to EP100.

EP100 encourages companies to use energy more intelligently and efficiently to improve productivity and requires all committed members to submit an annual energy-saving report every year to specifically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. impact, slowing down the rate of global warming while reducing long-term operating costs and climate risks.

Energy Productivity is a measure of the economic benefit gained from each unit of energy consumed.

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