Huawei Hongmeng Zhilian Songhu Dialogue working with partners to make the impossible possible

On November 5th, the 2022 Huawei Developer Conference "HDC Together" Songhu Dialogue was held in Dongguan. Shao Yang, Chief Strategy Officer of Huawei Terminal BG and President of the Whole House Smart Product Line, and Simon Electric (China) Co., Ltd. General Manager Zhang Renyu, Philips Water Health Global CEO ALEX, Director of Hongmeng Zhilian Ecological Partner Aojiahua Group, General Manager of China Guo Taohua, General Manager of Honghu Wanlian, and Senior Vice President of iSoftStone Qin Zhangbo attended the third forum. The theme of "Hongmeng Zhilian Enables Personal and Space Intelligence" was discussed together.

"3+3" DNA & Huawei Smart Choice, the link of space intelligence

Mr. Shao Yang, Chief Strategy Officer of Huawei Terminal BG and President of the Whole House Smart Product Line, mentioned that mobile phones are the key to entering the intelligent world. Connecting mobile phones with everything, and then connecting everything with people is the basic line for the development of the Internet of Everything.

Huawei continues to iterate and deepen on the single-product road. In order to make the users behind the mobile phone perceive that intelligence is a high-frequency, rigid, and massive demand, Huawei has launched the "3+3" DNA strategy and Huawei Smart choice.

On the other hand, Mr. Shao Yang said: In addition to the way people looking for equipment, Huawei wants to achieve a more powerful and systematic interconnection of all things, and it also needs self-orderly integration between equipment, with subsystems as a backbone, as four Liang Bazhu built a friendly user interface to make the space welcome people, which is the concept of space intelligence.

Under the common vision, promote intelligent development

Mr. Zhang Renyu, general manager of Simon Electric (China) Co., Ltd., who was invited to the scene, said that the cooperation project between Simon and Huawei has the highest priority, and the investment trusts each other 100%.

The vision of space intelligence proposed by Mr. Shao Yang is the key to impressing Simon. China's smart industry is actually a bit like the Warring States Period when all the heroes were competing for the deer, and it was all wild. Like a big brother, Huawei has established China's intelligence standards. This vision is also what Simon yearns for.

In the cooperation between the two parties, many product standards and service standards are done in the way of consumer electronics, which is a big challenge to Simon. But as long as it is done, it is not as simple as obtaining commercial value. The process of cooperation and running-in between the two parties is the most precious wealth. Moreover, Simon believes in Huawei's team and in Huawei's beautiful picture in the future intelligent market.

Product-oriented, consolidated cooperation results

Alex, the global CEO of Philips Water Health, believes that Philips' brand Slogan is innovative for you and highly similar to Huawei's values, which is the basis for long-term strategic cooperation. At the strategic level, Philips believes that consumers will make choices, and products with a single service cannot be aggregated into ecological effects. Huawei's "3+3" DNA strategic logic is precisely to introduce the best brands and most innovative products in each field, so the cooperation between the two parties can bring users a more intelligent experience.

Returning to the product, after Huawei chose Philips' water purifier as the benchmark for smart selection, the two parties spent three months spelling out this product, and integrated Huawei's functions into the entire smart selection platform through the product, creating a new realm of smart drinking water.

Regarding the cooperation between the two parties, Mr. Shao Yang said that the shipment of this product exceeded expectations. In fact, whether it is a brand or a product, the process of polishing with Huawei for the first time is the most difficult. As long as you adapt and learn how to access this track, the following things will be much more efficient.

Determine the way forward and join hands to enter the intelligent platform

Ms. Guo Taohua, director of Aojiahua Group and general manager of China, also shared. Aojiahua Group's flagship product is a high-end smart massage chair, which Huawei wanted to join when it proposed HUAWEI HiLink in 2015. However, due to various reasons, cooperation was not reached.

On the eve of the Huawei Developer Conference three years ago, the first HiLink product of the two parties was quickly finalized, and it was finally delivered on time under close cooperation.

After the establishment of cooperation with Huawei Ecosystem, Aojiahua's products will reach a new level every year, closely following the upgrade of Huawei's intelligent platform, and will also quickly obtain positive feedback from the market and commercial level.

Help partners enhance brand value around Huawei's "1+8+N"

Ms. Qin Zhangbo, Senior Vice President of iSoftStone, said frankly that, unlike the previous partners, iSoftStone's products are all-in-one, from the adaptation of the following chips to the modules, development boards, and the above solutions. Provide complete services to manufacturers.

The platform built by Huawei has allowed Honghu Wanlian to establish a good cooperative relationship with many consumer manufacturers. So far, Honghu Wanlian has served more than 400 consumer manufacturers, all of which have completed the upgrade of Hongmeng Zhilian.

Ms. Qin Zhangbo said that after a friend's product was launched, she also went to the store to experience it. She felt that she could bring more value to her partners, and she felt very fulfilled. In the future, I hope iSoftStone can help more partners around Huawei's "1+8+N".

Win-win cooperation, never forget the original intention

In the end, Mr. Shao Yang concluded that Huawei has been moving forward on the path pioneered by others for so many years, but has been doing the thing of Make it Possible. Working together with partners and moving forward hand in hand is the biggest driving force for Huawei. It is believed that in the era of the Internet of Everything, Huawei will fully promote the industry to enter the era of Space 3.0, and Hongmeng Zhilian will allow IoT devices to connect to everyone and every space, accelerating the true arrival of the IoT era.

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