Huawei smart screen V series will support the establishment of distributed home theaters

According to information on Huawei’s official support page, the first-generation Huawei Smart Screen V series is expected to support the formation of distributed home theaters with Huawei smart speakers by the end of November 2022. The specific time may be affected by the epidemic, and the final version upgrade is subject to the version launch time.

The first generation of the Huawei Smart Screen V series includes the 2019 Huawei Smart Screen V75 and the 2020 Huawei Smart Screen V55i. Users who own these two devices can get functional upgrades.

There are two ways to build a distributed home theater with Huawei smart screens and Huawei smart speakers:

  • Manually create a home theater: that is, the stereo is assembled inside the smart speaker, and then the stereo is combined with the smart screen.
  • Automatically create a wireless home theater with the smart screen: that is, the smart speaker and the smart screen can realize the self-organizing network mode (the smart screen page automatically pops up the networking interface, as shown in the figure below), and their is no need to manually create a network.

The current list of smart screens and smart speakers that support the creation of distributed home theaters:

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