LG Electronics applies for PETAVERSE trademark

LG Electronics has applied for a trademark related to the virtual pet business in the United States. LG Electronics applied to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for registration of the  PETAVERSE trademark. PETAVERSE is a compound word for pets and metaverse, and this combination seems to be about keeping virtual pets in the virtual world.

LG Electronics explained in its trademark filing that PETAVERSE is a platform software that provides a user experience related to pets in virtual reality. Users can communicate with each other in virtual communities, enjoy pet-related games and videos, or share how to keep pets.

Industry insiders believe that LG Electronics is trying to seize the trademark in the process of exploring new business opportunities. They said that in the medium and long term, LG Electronics has the possibility to enter the virtual pet market.

According to data from the Korean Intellectual Property Office, in the ranking of Korean Metaverse-related patent applications from 2012 to 2021, Samsung Electronics ranked first with 262 applications, and LG Electronics ranked first with 66 applications. The two South Korean tech giants are world leaders in high-end home appliances.

Analysts said that TVs see the metaverse market as a new growth driver based on its competing information and communication (IT) technology, so Samsung and LG Electronics are very focused on this area.

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