China Mobile Reports Strong Growth in Mobile and Broadband Businesses and Solid Financial Performance in November 2022

China Mobile, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, has released its customer data for November 2022. According to the announcement, the company saw a total of 975 million mobile business customers, an increase of 1.427 million in November alone. This brings the cumulative increase in mobile business customers for the year to 17.789 million.

In terms of 5G package customers, China Mobile saw a cumulative total of 595 million in November. The company has also seen growth in its wired broadband business, with a total of 269.943 million customers in November and a net increase of 2.261 million this month.

China Mobile's financial performance has also been strong in the first three quarters of the year. The company saw a net profit of 98.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13%. Operating income also saw an increase of 11.5%, reaching 723.5 billion yuan. Communication service revenue increased by 8.3% year-on-year to 620.1 billion yuan, while product revenue and other revenues increased by 36.4% to 103.4 billion yuan.

In terms of 5G infrastructure, China Mobile has made significant progress, with more than 1.1 million 5G base stations across the country. This accounts for over 50% of the country's 5G base stations.

China Mobile's November customer data shows strong growth in both its mobile and broadband businesses, as well as solid financial performance. The company's efforts in expanding its 5G infrastructure are also impressive, positioning it well for continued success in the future.

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