Sharp NEC, a renowned technology company, announced the launch of two new projectors, the NEC PA1405UL, and the NEC PA1705UL, at the ISE 2023 conference. These projectors boast a maximum brightness of 17,000 lumens, making them suitable for use in bright environments such as educational institutions, meeting rooms, auditoriums, and museums.
Features and Benefits
- Laser Light Source: The NEC PA1405UL and NEC PA1705UL both feature a laser light source combined with LCD technology, which provides a bright and clear display.
- Ultra-Quiet Operation: Sharp NEC has stated that these projectors are ultra-quiet, although they have not specified a quantified noise level.
- Sealed Engine: These projectors use a sealed engine, meaning that users will not be able to use filters later and maintenance costs will be kept to a minimum.
- Long-lasting Light Source: The light source used in these projectors is expected to last for up to 20,000 hours.
- Wide Range of Compatibility: Like other devices in the PA series, these projectors are compatible with a wide range of lenses, making them adaptable to different environments.
- Easy Setup and Management: Both projectors feature ProAssist, which simplifies the setup and management of settings, making it easier for users to use.
Availability and Details
The NEC PA1405UL and NEC PA1705UL projectors will be available for purchase from July 2023. Sharp NEC has not yet provided more detailed specification information but is expected to do so in the coming months.
Sharp NEC's latest launch of the NEC PA1405UL and NEC PA1705UL projectors is a significant step forward in the world of projection technology. With their high brightness, ultra-quiet operation, and low maintenance costs, these projectors are sure to be a hit in educational institutions, meeting rooms, auditoriums, and museums.