AMD Reveals Details about Phoenix Hybrid Structure Processors

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has revealed more information about its upcoming Phoenix "hybrid structure" processors, using the same terminology as Intel with "Performance Core" and "Efficiency Core". While no official announcement has been made, a netizen on Twitter (@xinoassassin1) recently shared a clock frequency operation chart of the Phoenix ES APU.

Phoenix Processor Architecture

According to the chart, the Phoenix processor is configured with six cores, two of which are performance cores while the remaining four are efficiency cores. The two performance cores (Core 0 and Core 5) operate at a clock frequency between 4.0 - 5.0 GHz with an average of 4.2 - 4.3 GHz. On the other hand, the four efficiency cores run at a clock frequency between 2.5 - 4.0 GHz with an average clock frequency just under 3.0 GHz.

It is worth noting that the chart does not provide SKU details but only shows a 6-core configuration with 2+4.

Phoenix 2 Mobile APU

Earlier reports suggest that the Phoenix "hybrid structure" processor corresponds to the Phoenix 2 mobile APU. It adopts TSMC's N4 process, has 2 performance cores, 4 efficiency cores, and is equipped with 4CU RNDA3 core display. This processor is expected to consume between 15-28W, making it suitable for products such as thin and light notebooks or game consoles. The flagship model of this series of processors is expected to be R7 7740U, which is one place lower than the full-core R7 7840U.

Phoenix Processor Performance

The Phoenix processor's hybrid structure allows for the use of both high-performance and energy-efficient cores, ensuring optimal performance and power efficiency. The high-performance cores are capable of handling demanding tasks, while the efficiency cores are designed to handle less demanding tasks, thus ensuring energy savings. This hybrid structure is expected to deliver a performance boost of up to 20% compared to previous AMD processors.

Moreover, the Phoenix processor's clock frequency operation chart suggests that the processor's efficiency cores are capable of running at a higher clock speed than the previous-generation processors. This is expected to provide a significant performance boost to the processor, especially in tasks that rely heavily on the CPU's clock speed.

Expected Release Date

AMD has not announced an official release date for the Phoenix processors. However, rumors suggest that the processors are expected to be released in the second half of 2023. The Phoenix processors are expected to be a significant upgrade over the previous-generation AMD processors and are expected to give a tough competition to Intel's hybrid structure processors.

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