China's Software Industry Revenue Grows by 11% YoY from January to February

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently announced that China's software and information technology service industry (hereinafter referred to as the software industry) maintained stable and improving growth from January to February 2023. The software business revenue increased by 11% YoY, amounting to 1,446.1 billion yuan, while the total profit grew by 12.2% YoY, reaching 176.9 billion yuan. The export of software business also saw a steady increase, with a YoY growth of 1.1%, amounting to US$7.8 billion.

Revenue from Different Fields

The software product revenue was 337.9 billion yuan, accounting for 23.4% of the industry's revenue, with a YoY growth of 9.5%. The revenue of industrial software products increased by 13.6% YoY, amounting to 39 billion yuan. Meanwhile, revenue from information technology services was 943.4 billion yuan, accounting for 65.2% of the industry's revenue, with a YoY growth of 11.6%. The revenue from cloud computing and big data services increased by 13.3% YoY, amounting to 176.1 billion yuan, accounting for 18.7% of information technology service revenue. The revenue from integrated circuit design was 40.3 billion yuan, with an 8.5% YoY growth. E-commerce platform technology service revenue increased by 0.2% YoY, amounting to 128.9 billion yuan. Additionally, the revenue from information security products and services saw a YoY growth of 14.2%, amounting to 30.1 billion yuan.

Revenue by Region

The eastern region's software business revenue was 1,224.4 billion yuan, accounting for 84.7% of the total national revenue, with a YoY growth of 11.2%, which was 0.2 percentage points higher than the overall level of the industry. The central region's software business revenue was 47.6 billion yuan, with a YoY growth of 10.3%. The western region's software business revenue was 149.2 billion yuan, with a YoY growth of 9.9%. The northeast region completed software business revenue of 24.9 billion yuan, with a YoY growth of 9.4%. Among the top 5 provinces in terms of software revenue, Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, and Zhejiang recorded software revenues of RMB 316.3 billion, RMB 271.4 billion, RMB 188 billion, RMB 148 billion, and RMB 148 billion respectively, with YoY growth of 12.7%, 14.5%, 9.0%, 15.8%, and 3.9% respectively. The total software business revenue of the five provinces (municipalities) was 6.5074 billion yuan, accounting for 72.7% of the national proportion, an increase of 0.5 percentage points compared with the same period last year.

Software Business Income in Central Cities

The 15 sub-provincial central cities across the country achieved software business revenue of 743.1 billion yuan, accounting for 51.4% of the national software business revenue, a decrease of 0.5 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Among them, the growth rate of software business revenue in Chengdu, Jinan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dalian exceeded the overall growth rate of the entire industry.

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