OnePlus has announced the launch of its latest smartphone, the OnePlus 11 Jupiter Rock Limited Edition, which will be available on March 29th. This mobile phone will be unique, as it will be made of a material that has never been used in the 3C industry - 3D microcrystalline rock. The company claims that this material will make each mobile phone different from the others, and the aesthetics of the texture will be maintained.
Unprecedented Material
According to Li Jie, President of OnePlus China, the material of 3D microcrystalline rock has never been used in the entire 3C industry. This is an unprecedented material, and to mass-produce it on mobile phones, a new production line is required. The production efficiency of this material is only 1/4 of that of glass, and the yield is only 1/2 of that of glass. Due to the difficult processing of the material, a brand-new process and production line are adopted to ensure the maximum expression of Jupiter's great and romantic beauty, unique feel, excellent texture, and reliability.
Exclusive Processes
The OnePlus 11 Jupiter Rock Limited Edition requires 9 major processes, including "natural graining," to make this material meet the product requirements. In order to ensure the aesthetics of the texture, each piece of the back cover is 100% manually selected. The company aims to dedicate this unique limited edition mobile phone to every unique individual.
The OnePlus 11 Jupiter Rock Limited Edition is expected to have the same configuration as the regular OnePlus 11. It will be equipped with the second-generation Snapdragon 8 chip, a 6.7-inch OLED flexible screen, a resolution of 3216*1440, and a rear triple camera (50MP main camera + 32MP telephoto + 48MP super wide-angle). The mobile phone will have a 5000mAh battery and support 100W wired charging.