HTC is reportedly working on a new tablet, the A103 Plus, which has been spotted in the Google GMS certification database. The tablet is said to feature a 10.1-inch FHD display with a resolution of 1200x1920, a 500-pixel front camera, and facial recognition unlocking.
In terms of hardware, the A103 Plus is said to be powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 processor, 4GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage. It will also have a built-in 6000mAh battery and support for Bluetooth 5.0 and dual-band Wi-Fi.
The tablet will run the Android 13 operating system and will be equipped with a USB-C interface. It is not yet clear when the A103 Plus will be released or how much it will cost.
Key features of the HTC A103 Plus tablet
- 10.1-inch FHD display
- 500-pixel front camera
- Facial recognition unlocking
- MediaTek Helio A22 processor
- 4GB of RAM
- 64GB of storage
- Built-in 6000mAh battery
- Bluetooth 5.0
- Dual-band Wi-Fi
- Android 13 operating system
- USB-C interface
The HTC A103 Plus tablet is expected to be a budget-friendly option that offers a good balance of features and performance. It will be interesting to see how the tablet compares to other tablets in the same price range when it is released.