Colorful has released a new three-mode wireless gaming headset, the PLUTO Pluto, for just 229 yuan. The headset features Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity, with a transmission distance of up to 15 meters and a delay of less than 30ms at 2.4GHz. It also has a built-in 900mAh battery that provides up to 30 hours of battery life on a single charge.
The PLUTO Pluto also features an internal and external dual microphone array for clear voice communication, as well as a lightweight and comfortable design. It is available now from Colorful's official e-commerce store.
Key Features:
- Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity with a 15M transmission distance and 30ms delay at 2.4GHz
- Built-in 900mAh battery for up to 30 hours of battery life on a single charge
- Internal and external dual microphone array for clear voice communication
- Lightweight and comfortable design
Price and Availability:
The Colorful PLUTO Pluto three-mode wireless gaming headset is now available from Colorful's official e-commerce store for 229 yuan.