Xiaomi has launched an 85-inch Mi TV A Pro, which is priced at 5,999 yuan on Xiaomi Mall. The TV is equipped with a quad-core Cortex-A55 CPU, G52 (2EE) MC1 GPU, 3GB of memory, and 32GB of storage. It also supports dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0.
The Mi TV A Pro 85" uses an 85-inch 4K panel with a viewing angle of 178° and a resolution of 3840×2160. It can achieve a 120Hz refresh rate when the competitive mode is turned on.
In terms of interfaces, the TV provides two HDMI interfaces (including one ARC), one AV interface, two USB interfaces (including one USB 3.0), one network port, one S/PDIF interface, and built-in dual 10W speakers.
The Mi TV A Pro also supports Bluetooth remote control, far-field voice, MEMC motion compensation, and DTS sound decoding.
Xiaomi has previously launched three other versions of the Mi TV A Pro: the 75-inch model for 3,799 yuan, the 65-inch model for 2,799 yuan, the 55-inch model for 2,199 yuan, and the 43-inch model for 1,349 yuan.
The Mi TV A Pro 85" is a great option for budget-conscious consumers who are looking for a large-screen TV with a high refresh rate. It is also a good choice for gamers who are looking for a TV with low input lag.