Tesla Dominates Hollywood as the Preferred Electric Car, Auto Trader Study Finds

A recent study conducted by UK automotive marketplace Auto Trader has shown that Tesla's electric vehicles have become Hollywood's top choice for on-screen appearances. Despite Tesla's unconventional marketing strategies and the absence of extensive brand deals, the company's electric cars have made a significant mark in the entertainment industry.

Auto Trader's research delved into the most popular electric vehicles featured in movies, TV shows, and music videos, showcasing Tesla's dominance across the board. Notably, Tesla's flagship Model S sedan emerged as the most popular electric car overall, making an impressive 419 appearances in various productions. The Model 3 secured the second spot with 167 appearances, followed by the Model X with 149 appearances, and the Model Y with 38 appearances. Even Tesla's initial offering, the original Roadster, found its way into Hollywood productions 46 times.

However, the study went beyond mere counts and also analyzed the screen time of each electric vehicle. Surprisingly, the original Tesla Roadster led the pack with 37% of its on-screen appearances being prolonged, indicating a significant impact on viewers. In comparison, the Model S, Model X, Model Y, and Model 3 had prolonged appearances of 24%, 26%, 18%, and 8%, respectively.

Auto Trader Editorial Director Erin Baker highlighted the influential role of on-screen appearances in shaping consumer preferences. Baker commented, "What we see on screen has significant power in influencing our lifestyle choices, even affecting our big purchasing decisions. We're thrilled to see that so many electric vehicles have been featured in hugely popular shows and blockbuster movies, with exposure like this crucial in helping to pave the way towards a greener future and sparking a collective shift towards electric vehicles."

While Tesla claimed the top spots, the study also acknowledged other electric vehicles in Hollywood. The Nissan Leaf emerged as the closest contender to the Model S, making 194 appearances, with 19% of them being prolonged. Additionally, the Honda e and Audi e-tron Sportback stood out with fewer appearances (14 and 12, respectively) but a higher percentage of prolonged screen time (43% and 42%).

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